Sunday, May 25, 2008

Cyborg creeps

Well it seems like I'm a bit ahead of my time since I talked a bit about microchips etc in my last blog, but I've been doing a bit more research on the topic and have been thinking about RFIDs/microchips in terms of my own views. 
One use I thought was pretty interesting is the latest fascination in Mexico regarding microchipping. People have started to get microchips as a potential solution for the epidemic of kidnapping for ransom that is happening currently. It actually seems like a pretty good solution to this kind of problem but again the question of privacy and how people can abuse the technology arises and arguably outweighs the advantages. 
While Porush's law might suggest that we will all have to have these microchips one day if we want to "remain part of the culture', I really hope that too many people will be averse to getting them inserted, which will mean companies will not employ them for some time to come. I think that in today's age, as much as we love our technology, we also seem to be heading towards trends of healthy lifestyles and holism (perhaps thats why its called new age), and therefore we will reject the idea of having machine-like objects inside our bodies.
I think chipping is useful for a lot of reasons but it seems to me that every single use has an array of cons to go with their pros e.g. identity theft, abuse of medical information, credit theft etc. the list goes on! I think its a perfectly reasonable idea for animals. Since they don't have a way of speaking for themselves, a microchip is a good way of storing information. Being the owner of a fairly disobedient (but lovable) dog who likes to take little excursions at his own will, I'm also totally for the tracking of animals in some way or another!
So now to answer the question personally. Would I get a microchip? After watching the video of Kevin Warwick and his cyborg talk, the idea of getting a microchip makes me shiver. What a weird creep! To say things like "humans could become a subspecies?!!" and then "i don't want to be part of a subspecies, i want to be a cyborg and I know I'm not the only one"... It just screams "I'm a little bit nuts..." if you ask me. I would be extremely against personally getting a microchip mainly due to the fact that putting something electrical into my body seems so unnatural. One could only dream of the sorts of things that could go wrong with them! I guess we'll all just have to wait and see what happens in the future with microchips!
If I ever end up anything like Kevin Warwick though, I'm in trouble.

On that note, I'l leave you with a quote that made me giggle a bit:
"If I was a cyborg and you were a cyborg and we were communicating by thought and so on, and some human comes along making these silly noises that humans make called speech, its a bit like now for two humans to be communicating and a cow comes in going mooooo moooo..." 
                         - Prof. Kevin Warwick

That's it for me! Ciao

P.S.Hope everyone's essays went well


Media Blogger said...

Yeah that quote about the cow made me laugh as well! I think he is belittling the complexity of human communication though. There is way more to it than just spurting out a 'stupid noise'!

Even if we are conneceted electronically, like Warwick was to his wife, it would be hard to just get rid of generations of natural human communication. He may not think it will be nessecary to make any noise, but what about when we see something funny or hurt ourselves? Are we just going to think "lol"? No, we are still going to naturally open our mouths.

Liv said...

what does WTF mean?? im so slow on abbreviations! warwick is a nutter - nice quote. and i certainly think he is wrong!

josephinetapper said...

haha no worries liv! wtf is kind of like lol (laugh out loud) or brb (be right back) except its a bit ruder... it means "what the f***"

Guess you learn something new everyday! Happy blogging liv

Joshua said...

Chips may not be natural, but I think I'd get one if it meant I'd have a better memory, or were able to make phone calls through my brain. If they're good enough, I don't think I'd notice the unnatural part.