Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Finally something that I can say I've been involved in! At first, I must admit, I thought doing these blogs was going to be a bit of a hassle but now that I'm getting into it a bit it just feels like I'm sharing my thoughts much like writing an online diary..!
While blogs have had a relatively short life so far (arising in 1999), I would have assumed that they'd actually been around for a much shorter time. Maybe this is because blogs (and personal websites like facebook, myspace and bebo) seem to have boomed in the past few years. These days you can even pick up an NW magazine and find the likes of Lindsay Lohan posing with a 'celebrity blogger' who has named himself Perez Hilton! He is literally famous for simply having his own blog... guys, there's hope for all of us now! The 'Own Your Identity' blog that Erika made a link to on her page is really interesting and I recommend reading it if you haven't already done so! It talks about how blogs and personal web-pages are taking over the domain that mobile phones used to occupy, i.e. "facebook is the new cellphone..." If you think about it its so true!
We use these sites and blogs as a way of communicating and keeping in touch with friends and family for a number of reasons. Firstly its cheaper to post a message on a friend's bebo site than send a text message or make a phonecall! In addition to this, a blog is a much more variable medium, letting us post photos, videos, links and so on.
There is such a variety out there in regards to the types of blogs on the internet. From all the political and news blogs to the blogs written by bored teenagers wanting to share the details of their day at school. The content differs as well as the audiences which differ in both type and size. Some blogs are gaining such audiences that theres a possibility that the role of traditional news media may soon change. While Boa makes a good point in saying that the 6 o clock news is easy to watch while multi-tasking, (I admit that I also glance at the news in between my sizzling and simmering) blogs are accessible at any time and are often more up to date. Once again the idea of the prosumer comes up here- anyone can comment on blogs and share opinions or other facts which I consider a great kind of freedom in a way. Its a cool thing to be able to disagree with or commend bloggers for their ideas!

Anyway its off to bed for me!

Night guys


erika said...

Great post- I'm glad you found the link to the 'Own Your ID' blog useful. Do you think the points they make there will only be exaggerated as blogging/SNS ect become embedded in mobile technologies (such as twitter? http://www.twitter.com)

josephinetapper said...

I definitely think that its a possibility. I'm already finding myself catching up with friends via facebook rather than through text. Something like twitter just makes it that much more accessible to catch up, even if it is via messages of 140 characters at a time!